
Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Direct Myofascial Release

Fibromyalgia (FMS) is a Chronic pain syndrome of the soft tissues of the body where the tissues have become stuck and inflamed. When this occurs, the fascia dehydrates and becomes like glue, leading to loss of mobility, tension, and reduction in range of motion. 

A person with Fibromyalgia will have a predictable pain pattern in the soft tissues – it is diagnosed when 11 specific tender points are found within the soft tissue  of the body. Fibromyalgia also often presents with sleep disorders. 

In my clinical experience Direct Myofascial Release (DMFR) has profound beneficial effects for people with fibromyalgia. DMFR, as maintenance therapy, releases restrictions, which can help to flush waste from the tissues thereby reducing inflammation and sensitivity to pain. Stimulating lymphatic flow aids in rebalancing the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems – this helps restore the rest relaxation cycle, aiding in sleep and physical function and ultimately a reduction in anxiety levels.

Studies have also supported the beneficial effects of DMFR in reducing the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia. 

DMFR is a hands-on treatment performed on the skin with no oils or creams, it is gentle and slow. No force is used, as this can cause discomfort in a person with fibromyalgia. Manually forcing a myofascial release in a person with fibromyalgia can cause a flare of their symptoms. 

DMFR involves applying gentle, sustained pressure into these connective tissue restrictions to eliminate tightness and pain and restore motion. By moving slowly and waiting for the body’s natural rhythm, the fascia responds by elongating, rehydrating, and reorganising.

If you would like to try a session at Invitation to Health, please reach out to me through the main number for Invitation to Health or book an appointment online.

Michael Wilby

Michael Wilby


Michael Wilby

Michael Wilby has been a massage therapist on the Central Coast since 2005. “When you treat the body as a whole, with a deep awareness, you trigger a whole body healing.”

We experience true health when we are living fully on all levels – physical, emotional and spiritual and in a symbiotic relationship with our planet. At Invitation to Health, we harness science and nature to help restore you to health.
“Your body hears everything your mind says” Naomi Judd

We are a medical centre based in Wyoming, near Gosford on the Central Coast, with onsite GPs, integrative doctors and complementary therapists to support your health.

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