
Cleaning up your act

Chemicals are all around us – in our food and water, on our food, in the cleaning and skin care products we use and in our furnishings and household items.

Many chemicals can affect your liver and hormone metabolism and can contribute to a range of symptoms including low energy, skin problems, headaches, constipation and pain. But you can reduce your exposure by implementing a few precautionary measures.


Go through the following checklist and try to implement as many of these as possible.


Drink at least 2 litres of filtered water every day

Filter Water: 

Ensure drinking water is filtered whenever possible – especially for chlorine


Soft drinks, caffeine, alcohol, canned foods (lined with BPA), added sugar, artificial sweeteners

fast foods, take away foods.

Eat Organic & Fresh:  

Fruits, vegetables & eggs– home delivered on the Coast

Choose Grass Fed:  

Beef & Lamb   Mudgee Lamb – delivered free to the Coast and Sydney –

Meats– home delivered on the Coast

Leave shoes at the front door: 

Shoes can bring many toxins into the home


Never heat plastic in microwave, do not add hot food or liquid to plastic containers or baby bottles,

always cool it first. Try and store food in glass containers. Remove plastic lids from take away coffee

cups if safe, before you drink.

Water Bottles:  

Travel with a non – plastic water bottle (e.g. glass or stainless steel) that can be refilled.


Use natural, inoffensive cleaning products such as bicarbonate of soda, vinegar & eucalyptus oil,

Gumption and bar soap instead of pump soap. Use ‘clean’ washing powder for clothes and


Skin care:

Use Paraben free skin care products and organic skin products and shampoo as available– local organic skin care

Visual Creations at Green Point for Organic Hair colour- ph 4369 6663


Turn wi-fi off at night to give the body a rest from the EMFs (electro- magnetic frequency)

Electricals in the Bedroom – ensure electric alarm clocks/ipads/phones are at least 1 metre away from your head


Remove from the bedroom and/or have on flight mode during sleep time.


Enjoy warm baths with the addition of magnesium bath salts (Epsom salts) – pharmaceutical grade.


Remove visible mould with a damp cloth in a solution 20% white vinegar 80% water .Clove oil is also helpful.




Dr Nicole Avard
General Practitioner

Nicole is a really awesome doctor and makes the yummiest chocolate mousse you have ever tasted. It has no sugar or dairy it’s amazing! You can contact her and get the recipe or read more of her interesting articles.

We are exposed to at least 140,000 chemicals, more than 30,000 of them in high volumes. We don't know how most of these chemicals individually affect our bodies and we have even less information on how they interact with each other or with medications we use. These chemicals are in your food and water, on your food, in the cleaning and skin care products you use and in your furnishings and household items.
“Your body hears everything your mind says” Naomi Judd

We are a medical centre based in Wyoming, near Gosford on the Central Coast, with onsite GPs, integrative doctors and complementary therapists to support your health.

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