MIND & BODY: Breathing

Imagine for a minute that to maintain your vital oxygen supply, you had to remind yourself to breathe in, and then out again. During that minute, you would need to repeat the instruction about twelve times – that’s 17,820 times every day.

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You’re busy, and overworked. “I can’t be in two places at once!” you cry. And unless you’ve discovered time travel, you can only be present in the precise physical second that you inhabit.

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There’s some news you need to hear. Are you sitting down? Well, you shouldn’t be. At least not as much as you might want to, and definitely less than most Australians do.

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Why the nose is best. Breathing keeps our minds and bodies alive, but few people realise that nose breathing is far more beneficial to our overall health than mouth breathing. Our nostrils and sinuses filter the air that enters our lungs.  The…

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Just Breathe – exercises The key to breathing easily and well is to first start noticing the breath. You can do this by sitting somewhere quietly, in a chair that supports your back and just listening to your breath as it flows…

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“The first wealth is health” Ralph Waldo Emmerson

We are a medical centre based in Wyoming, near Gosford on the Central Coast, with onsite GPs, integrative doctors and complementary therapists to support your health.

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