
How to Avoid Ingesting Plastic

We’re sure by now you’ve heard the statistic that on average in Australia we ingest about a credit card’s worth of plastic each week. It’s horrifying! But what can we do?

1. Don’t drink bottled water

2. Avoid storing food in plastic, especially low quality plastic that may contain harmful chemicals and definitely don’t heat in plastic

3. Don’t make a habit of processed food packaged in plastic wrap.

4. Vacuum regularly as the dust in your house could be loaded with microplastics (and related chemicals, such as phthalates). Preferable if your vacuum has a HEPA filter, which is best for trapping dust.

Once you’re on top of the basics, you might also consider that mollusks like clams, oysters, mussels, and scallops can build up plastic particles in their shells. Those sourced from Asia and the Mediterranean Ocean have high levels of microplastic contamination. 

Sea salt from the Pacific Ocean, Spain, China, Taiwan, and Pink Himalayan Sea Salt have the highest levels of microplastics; salt from Turkey, Italy, and Croatia have the lowest contamination. Beer from North America is high in microplastics from the water used to make it and processing methods. Sugar is another source of microplastics from it’s packaging and processing methods. And sadly you also have to watch out for honey as honeybees can carry plastic back to the hive and contaminate it!

Invitation to Health


Invitation to Health

Invitation to Health is an integrative health clinic based on the Central Coast of NSW.

Food is our body’s fuel. It provides the nutrients that give us energy and vitality. It helps to buffer us against illness and to keep our bodies at a healthy weight. And food really can be our medicine, because so many foods have genuinely medicinal and helpful properties.
“The first wealth is health” Ralph Waldo Emmerson

We are a medical centre based in Wyoming, near Gosford on the Central Coast, with onsite GPs, integrative doctors and complementary therapists to support your health.

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