MIND & BODY: Stress

Stress management is crucial in today’s busy world. Stress is linked to major health problems and massage is one therapy that can create a holistic space for YOU to open into a deep state of relaxation, allowing for repair and renewal. Massage…

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Stress is part of being human, we are wired to react to challenges that result in experiencing stress. A certain amount of stress is ok. We start to experience stress as distressing when the demands that are placed on us exceed our…

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When we hear the term mental illness, we are used to thinking of depression, anxiety and other disorders, as the illness. But increasing areas of study are understanding that these symptoms may actually be indicators that something else is occurring within the…

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It’s easy to fall into a pattern of worrying with all the pressures of modern life. Worrying is a natural practice that helps us process our emotions about the experiences in our life, but there are techniques which can make it more…

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Are you an undermethylator? An under what? You might not recognise the term, but undermethylation is linked to a wide range of conditions.

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Your ears pick up the ominous sound of a heavy body crashing through the undergrowth. Your heart races. Like lightning, your mind makes calculations. Spear? Useless. Tree? Three metres away. You run faster and climb more nimbly than you ever believed possible.

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Compassion, like love, is a word used freely, possibly without much consideration of its meaning. We talk about ‘feeling compassion’. But it’s much more than an emotion, although it’s certainly ‘heartfelt’.

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“The first wealth is health” Ralph Waldo Emmerson

We are a medical centre based in Wyoming, near Gosford on the Central Coast, with onsite GPs, integrative doctors and complementary therapists to support your health.

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